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Identify Your Car
Identify your car and its engine from the information below. It is necessary to know your car's series number to order the correct parts. Alpine chassis #'s and engine numbers are the same when the car was manufactured but will be different if the engine has been changed. If your engine does not have one of the numbers below, it may have an engine from a Rapier, a Hillman or other Rootes car or may be out of some other make of car.

Your chassis # is stamped onto a plate near the hood latch panel on the body of the car and the engine # on an Alpine is stamped into a machined area behind the fuel pump. Tiger engine numbers are not the same as chassis numbers.
Alpine II

Vintage Alpine II parked on a Kansas street in 1974
Your Chassis Number Series or Mark #
Your Engine # (Alpine) Engine Series # (Alpine)

Note Chassis Numbers Dates Total
1 . B9000001 to B9011904 Oct.59-Oct.60 11,904
2 . B9100001 to B9119956 Oct.60-Feb.63 19,956
3 . B9200001 to B9205863 Mar.63-Jan.64 5,863
4 (A) B9400001 to B9407936 Jan.64-Sep.65 7,936
. (B) B94100001 to B94104470 . 4,470
5 . B395000001 to B395019122 Sep.65-Jan.68 19,122
Note Chassis Numbers Dates Total
I .  B9470001 to B9473762 Jun.64-Aug.65 3,762
I-A (C) B382000001 to B382002706 Aug.65-Sep.66 2,706
II (D) B382100001 to B382100633 Des.66-Jun.67 536

Series IV with non-synchro first transmission & 8" clutch.
. B Series IV with all-synchro transmission & 7-1/2" clutch.
. C No Tigers were designated by Rootes as MK IA cars. This term has arisen to describeTigers built on Alpine V type bodies with the vinyl conv. top boot instead of metal covers.
. D Mark II production numbers vary. Cars with serial #B382100001 and #B382100002 exist with no JAL #’s (Jensen Alpine Ltd. body #) which indicates the cars were completely assembled by Rootes, never going to the Jensen plant and must have been a pre-production pilot cars. The next MK II is B382100100 which carries a JAL number, the first of the MK II series.

Chassis # Letter Suffixes

GT Gran Turismo, ie. hardtop & tonneau only, no softop, upgraded interior
OD Overdrive transmission
BW Borg Warner automatic transmission

Thefirst letter of the final combination indicates:
H Home market (England)
R Right hand drive export
L Left hand drive export

Thesecond letter indicates:
R Roadster

The third letter indicates:
O Standard
X Non-standard
P Police specification
On Tigers, the final pair of letters are: FE - Ford Engine

Using the above codes, we see that a Alpine with the #B9204567 GT OD/LRX is an Alpine S.III Gran Turismo (hardtop only), overdrive, left hand drive roadster of non-standard specifications.

A Tiger with the #B382001527HROFE is a right hand drive car made for the English market and is a roadster of standard specifications with ford engine #1599 E22KS and colour code #86, forest green.

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